Over the weekend, in the course of keeping up with a bunch of friends online, I saw four friends’ photos that left me dismayed, if not desilusionado.
You wonder who they are? 🙄
For the purposes of this post, their identity doesn’t matter.
You wonder where I saw them?
Online, I said. You know, places like Facebook and Twitter, G+ and blogs.
- Two of those photos I found revolting.
- Another made me wonder about her naiveté in offering up such an innocently enticing (or enticingly innocent) pose of herself.
- Two were the kind that make me marvel again at how cheaply some gals must value their God-given physical…ah…well, you know what I mean.
- One left me scratching my head (though only figuratively, you understand) that the person would actually post such a contrary-witness-for-a-Christian photo.
- At least three caused me to ponder (briefly, I’ll admit) the matter of shamelessness and the unashamed flaunting of such shamelessness.
OK, I know those all appear to total more than four, but they doesn’t. 😀
Anyway, what are my purposes in posting this?
- Challenge you (as I have been) to give sufficient wise thought to personal photos we post online.
- Encourage us to check to see if any photos we’ve posted online might be one of the four triggering this post.
- Remind me and you that photos we consider harmless may well be deleterious.
- Tweak those who read what I write or hear what I say . . . and jump to the conclusion I’m talking about them. 😆
- Invite your critique of any photos I post online. (See #3 above.)
Regarding #4, if you want to ask me if I’m talking about your photo, go right ahead. You might be surprised at the answer. 😉
I close assuring you of these four things:
- I consider these people to be my friends.
- I bear them no ill-will or contempt or the like.
- I fancy myself neither cop nor prosecutor nor judge nor executioner.
- I doubt I have your photo in mind. 🙂
Oh. Do I plan to contact any of these friends privately about my observations? They will know . . . and you likely won’t. 😮
(If you were in my shoes, would you broach this subject to your friends?)