That’s what I’ve been told two or three times in the last couple/several months.
As in, “Don’t believe everything you read.”
And, “Don’t believe everything you hear.”
Please. Do I look gullible?
Well, never mind my looks. (I’ve mostly come to terms with them.)
The advice is sound advice. And very essential to survival.
But when I give that counsel to someone, am I creating an automatic exemption for what I say or write? 😯
Two of the people emailing that advice to me are people I’ve never met and with whom I’d never corresponded before. So it struck me as kinda funny that a stranger should give me “new to you” information…and then tell me not to believe everything I read.
I guess they meant everything else I read. See? An automatic self-exemption.
Reminds me of an experience I had long ago on a back road in a desert valley in northwest Mexico. I was just leaving our village en route to town when I came upon an older woman and a child waving for a ride. Though I didn’t know them, I gave them a lift. Some twenty minutes later, we came upon another group of strangers waving for a ride. The older woman urged me not to pick them up. Reason: I didn’t know them.
See what I mean?! 🙄
And while I’m on the subject of self-incrimination and/or self-contradiction, I’m remembering someone who told me he objects to people being given information when they are not part of the solution. I very much agree with that. But what was odd was that this person then proceeded to give me a wad of information…regarding something to which I’m not part of the solution.
I really do need a head-scratching emoticon thingy right now!
Why are we humans that way?!
And there you have today’s lesson for living. 😉