Discouraged, Dismayed, and Dismal?

6 practical tips to discourage depression

Then you may not want to bother reading this.

Especially if you find a certain pleasure in being down and disheartened.

I understand. Too well. So well I empathize.

Which is why I am posting some practical things that help me cast down dejection.

Now dispense with your discouragement and depression just enough to read this. Please.

6 Practical Tips to Discourage Depression

Really. They do work!

  1. Smile at every other person you meet
  2. Do good to others
  3. Commend something positive in another
  4. Read a Psalm in the Bible
  5. Ask God to lift your spirit and cheer your heart
  6. Use the comments below — and your experience before — to add to this list

About the first one — if keeping track is too difficult or if you lose track or if you hate to deprive someone of a smile because it isn’t his turn, smile at everyone! If you’re alone, find a mirror and smile at yourself. (Feel free to experiment with different styles of smiles-at-yourself.) If you’re alone and don’t have access to a mirror, look up and smile at God. If you don’t believe in God, oh my — well, get out and find someone to smile at.

You wonder about the sixth one? It has to do with the law of sowing and reaping. If you plant comfort and encouragement in the lives of others, your harvest will be comfort and encouragement.

See, it really ain’t complicated. Even so, it may be hard for you. But I believe you can do at least one of the above.

Go for it!

Oh. And you could also eyeball a couple of pieces I wrote longer ago: Oh, Make Me Live and In My Distress.

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Above all, love God!