I’ve heard so many good things about Blue Host that I finally decided I would switch my domains and sites to them.
Several weeks ago I started the registration process to open an account. I got to the end of one form and there sat the empty checkbox in front of a statement saying I’d read and accept their various terms of service.
I hadn’t.
So I put the process on hold and started wading through their long TOS. So many convoluted sentences to struggle through! I took days at it because too much of that kind of tedious, complicated reading at one time is just too much at one time.
Eventually I came to this:
Subscribers may not post or disclose any personal or private information about or images of children or any third party without the consent of said party or a parent’s consent in the case of a minor.
I thought some version of, “Wow! It surely can’t mean exactly that!” So I launched a chat session to ask. And she dumped me! 🙁 Apparently I asked the wrong question.
Maybe it was a fluke or an accident or something likewise unintentional. (FYI, the only thing I doctored in the image was her name.)
So, over the course of the next 11 days, I kept reading.
This evening I finally arrived triumphantly to the end of the biggest page of their TOS.
So I opened another chat session to ask my question again.
It actually means exactly what it says. Incredible! 😯 I don’t see how they can police that very well. At all.
I had a third question, pertaining to text descriptions of people. Alas, in my haste, I made the mistake of using a rather famous politician as an example. 😳
I got cut off again! 🙄
I should have asked about posting that my friend Joe has started wearing suspenders. I think their TOS would forbid my doing that without Joe’s consent.
So…no Blue Host for me. I can’t meet such a stringent provision in their terms of service.
That’s a big disappointment. 🙁
Now what?
I guess I could just host my own Web server. That sounds like a lot of bother and headache and expense. An alternative would be to jump in/on/through the cloud and use the Amazon EC2 service
. 😯 Forget that!
Closed Circuit to Grammar Grumps: Don’t mock him for using there incorrectly. Thanks.