Astounding eBay Insertion Fee

I wondered if I could sell a digital image on eBay for a dollar.

No, it’s not worth my time. Except as a toe-in-the-water experiment.

After getting things ready, I noticed this:

eBay insertion fee

Clicking the image will show you the full size, but I’ll just tell you that eBay is charging $9.95 to insert the listing.

Forget that!

Other expressions that fit: What in the world?! and Ridiculous!

It’s very puzzling to me. Maybe sometime I’ll try to figure it out.

Evening Update Follows

OK, I threw up this post at 8:03 this morning. Now it’s 9:45 in the evening.

I checked into this matter more a little while ago and learned that the insertion fee for a Classified Ad format of listing is $9.95 — not to be confused with a listing on their classified ads site.

Normal eBay listings are either Auction or Fixed Price (aka Buy It Now). There’s also a Classified Ad style or format. And that’s the format you must use if you want to sell a digital image that will be delivered electronically (via email or as a download).

“You need to list your item only in the
Everything Else > Information Products
category using only the
Classified Ad

For a fuller treatise on this matter, read what else eBay has to stipulate: Digitally delivered goods policy

So, I won’t be endeavoring to sell my inspirational imagery on eBay. I’d be ahead to just give it away. 🙄

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