WordPress Is Stealing My Title!

This regards the home page here at Ain’t Complicated.

It’s a static page. Custom built. By me. On my own WordPress Twenty Ten child theme.

It works according to design. Except for the <title> meta tag.

Here is the pertinent portion of the custom page template:

<title>Ain’t Complicated — Mark’s Views (Perhaps), from behind his eyeballs</title>

The visible result at the top of the browser should be this:

Ain’t Complicated — Mark’s Views (Perhaps), from behind his eyeballs

Instead, I merely get:

Ain’t Complicated

WordPress is stealing my title!

I’ve searched high and low with Google as well as wordpress.org…and have been unable to find the solution (or even the cause).

I know there are plug-in solutions, but I want to understand the cause and non-plug-in solution.

Got help?

Here’s the essential code for my custom page template: Simplicity.

5 thoughts on “WordPress Is Stealing My Title!”

    • Thanks for your input, Kim.

      Alas, that’s not the problem. I stripped out all the punctuation, leaving letters only, and got the same result: Ain’t Complicated.

      Maybe I need a different name for this blog! 😀

  1. In your source code you have the title as static text. Shouldn’t it be put in with the bloginfo php tag?

    Did you try it without the hyphens? Sometimes different characters do weird things.

    • Thanks, T…, uh, ITF, that is, for your input as well!

      I have the title for that page as static because I only want that title for that page, not site-wide.

      I may need to resort to PHP filters to render that special title for that page only, but I’d rather do something simpler.

      Besides, I want to know why the substituting is going on in the first place. 🙂

  2. OK. I just got done resolving the problem a few minutes ago. Maybe sometime I’ll dedicate a full post to the solution, but for now, just a comment here.

    Look on the page template I link to above and find a block of code that begins with <?php query_posts(‘showposts=1’); ?> and ends with <?php endif; ?>.

    Well, adding this next line solves the problem: <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>.


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