Timothy Miller, Unexpectedly Free!

I still haven’t found any reference to this in any secular news source.

Nevertheless, the news section of the Timothy Miller Support Network site has finally been updated with the news:

An AMAZING answer to prayer!!! Late Friday afternoon, we received the news that ALL CHARGES AGAINST TIMO HAVE BEEN OFFICIALLY DROPPED!! His passport has been returned, and he is free to return home with his family to his volunteer mission work in Nicaragua. Many people are asking about what caused the prosecutors to drop the charges. The truth is, we don’t really know…it was unexpected. Attorney Jeff Conrad just says he’s never seen anything like it before, and that it truly is a miracle.

I’m thankful for Timothy and his family. May the Lord direct them in the new batch of decision-making they face.

With this development, I feel more free to raise some questions and issues related to this case. Some I plan to post on this blog; others, to Timothy via personal email.

Meanwhile, let us rejoice with the Millers.

2 thoughts on “Timothy Miller, Unexpectedly Free!”

  1. Amen!!! Rejoice!!!

    We are awed and humbled by God’s great love, and also the support and prayers we received from so many people. May the Lord bless each one of you for blessing us in this way.

    And thank you also for continuing to pray for us as we go from here. We have many decisions to make now as we focus once again on Nicaragua.

    Again, thank you, and may the Lord be praised!!!


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