Timo Miller, Free?

I just got word via email that all charges against Timothy Miller have been dropped.

I did some quick searching online…and found nothing.

I visited the Timo Miller support network site…and found nothing.

My source emailed:

I just received a call from Timo Miller who reported that as of this afternoon all charges against him have been dropped. The lawyer said he doesn’t know how it came about and he has never seen anything like it in his years of law practice.

We’ll see how soon it shows up in other media.

Good night.

4 thoughts on “Timo Miller, Free?”

  1. I still don’t see anything online about it, other than your blog and mine ( I broke it half an hour before you did, but we share the same source). But I’ve already received over two dozen unique hits from people searching for updates on the case, so obviously a lot of people are watching this.

    • Yup, I found your blog post in one of my searches. 🙂 And I’ve certainly also had a spike in Timo-related searches and traffic. Thanks for adding to the discussion here.


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