Be careful about indulging in that.
No, I’m not saying there is no grounds for analyzing Timothy David Miller’s actions that resulted in his arrest last week.
I’m just saying that the human tendency to second guess and armchair quarterback after the fact can be dangerous exercises in which to engage.
Here, consider this:

That’s my opinion. I forget too often. But I’ve tried to remember in this case.
Is there a difference between second-guessing Mr. Miller and second-guessing Christians who are rejoicing at the death of bin Laden?
Byran, that is a great question. Thanks for posting it.
I haven’t been able to see how my posts on the Bin Laden subject constitute second-guessing anyone. As far as I can tell, what I’ve offered is based on Scripture and pertinent, documented fact.
If those speaking against Timothy Miller do so with both the Scriptures and pertinent, documented facts, then I wouldn’t necessarily call that second-guessing. So far, I haven’t seen any of that type of written response to his involvement in the Lisa and Isabella Miller case (though I would certainly be interested in seeing it, if it exists out there somewhere).
Fair enough. I guess the “second-guessing” of Mr. Miller I was thinking of would be of the Scripturally-based sort.
However, I would probably tend as you to be pretty slow to criticize, at least publicly, since a) I don’t know exactly what went down; and b) it is at best unclear whether his actions in the matter were unscriptural.
But I also wouldn’t want to be guilty of a knee-jerk reaction in blind support of a person, without a balanced view of the case. I feel as if I have only heard one side of the story.