Progress at Work?

Well, Congress, anyway. 🙄

Still, this is pretty funny.

And telling.

Of how the language continues to suffer twisting.

And of how words yield so easily to…ah…something.

Like vegetables.

House protects pizza as a vegetable

The House of Representatives dealt a blow to childhood obesity warriors on Thursday by passing a bill that abandons proposals that threatened to end the reign of pizza and French fries on federally funded school lunch menus.

The scuttled changes, which would have stripped pizza’s status as a vegetable […]

The change would have required pizza to have at least a half-cup of tomato paste to qualify as a vegetable serving. Current rules, which likely will remain in place, require just two tablespoons of tomato paste.

So…what does it take to make pizza qualify as dairy?

Or meat?

Or grain?

Or fruit?

Using government standards and definitions, we could just call a pizza a square meal.

Oh, you say pizza is round?

Really. Says who?

(If you say pizza is round, I suppose you also deny its vegetablehood.)

Pizza is round. Ha! How quaint.

PS: No politics were consumed in the production of this post.

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