
Logo for Anabaptists.orgAnabaptists — one of the first Anabaptist or Mennonite sites on the Web. And certainly the first conservative one.

Anabaptists — launched 16 years ago as a personal project.

Anabaptists — for sale (possibly) due to a need to raise funds on short order.

But how to price a non-profit, barely-monetized “religious” site?

I really have no idea.

I suppose I could say, “$10 per day for each day of its existence.”

Figuring 16 years at 300 days per year for easy figuring, that works out to $48,000.

I might let it go for that.


Actually, I’d be sorely tempted. Sure, it’s hard to think of selling my site. But needs are needs and $50K would be hard to resist. I wonder what my counselors and advisers and friends and family and creditors would say to that.

How would you go about pricing such a site, anyway?!

Update (July 16, 2011): You can have this information emailed to you via autoresponder at

Update (August 15, 2011): Serious, reasonable offers seriously considered.

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Above all, love God!