Optin Blogging


As in, opting out of blogging.

That’s me.

Or to be grammatically correct, that’s I.

Of course there’s lots of stuff I would like to blog about.

But I must prioritize my time and conserve my emotional energy. That means putting any further blogging on ice.

Now, if doing this paid the bills, that’d be different. 🙄

Will I be back?


Likely occasionally.

Blogging is kinda like spitting into the wind. I guess. Maybe I don’t know that either.


Some people never learn.

Oh well.

Thanks for reading this. Too bad it wasn’t very high on the interest and/or edification quotient.

2 thoughts on “Optin Blogging”

  1. Mark,

    I guess I am one of your faithful readers. Always something interesting and readable–if sometimes cryptic?

    Blessings, in whatever you are doing. I have found blogging a useful therapy at times. It helps me put thoughts into words–which is a good discipline. Writers need that.


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