Netanyahu’s Bible Study

If the man is a Christian or interested in becoming one, I can understand a Bible study.

Otherwise, I wonder if this is being called something it isn’t.

After all, a practicing Jew doesn’t accept the Bible as a whole, does he?

Makes me wonder: Will this study even be using Bibles? Genuine, sixty-six-book, two-testament Bibles?

So what’s this all about? Here, I’ll show you:

Taking a page out of David Ben-Gurion and Menachem Begin’s playbook, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will begin hosting a regular Bible study group in his official residence for researchers, public officials and invited guests.

Netanyahu announced the establishment of the study circle on Friday at a ceremony marking 30 days since the passing of his father-in-law, Shmuel Ben-Artzi. The study group will be named after Ben-Artzi, a noted poet and Bible teacher.

Both Ben-Gurion and Begin, when they each served as prime minister, hosted regular Bible study groups.Netanyahu said he was establishing the class to perpetuate love of the Bible.

Last Sunday, at a ceremony in Sde Boker marking the 38th anniversary of Ben-Gurion’s death, Netanyahu recalled the first premier’s Bible study class, saying that his father-in-law used to attend.

“Ben-Gurion understood that the Book of Books is our mandate for our country, as he said in that same unforgettable statement before the Peel Commission in 1936,” Netanyahu said.

Source: Netanyahu re-establishes PM Bible class

HT: Joel C. Rosenberg

If this study doesn’t include the New Testament and Jesus Christ, I hardly see how it can be branded as a Bible study.

But maybe that’s just me.

(Or do I mean “just I”? Grammar cops, what say ye?)

3 thoughts on “Netanyahu’s Bible Study”

  1. Mark Roth –

    How well do you know the Bible? It is written that blindness IN PART has happened unto the Jews until the TIME OF the Gentiles be come in.

    It is also written that we (Gentile Believers) are not to boast against the natural branches because those of us grafted in could be much more easily removed than the natural branches.

    Yes, although the Old Testament, it is a Bible study.

    I suggest, for your soul’s sake, you get off your high horse and ask God to forgive you for your arrogance.

    I am a follower of Christ, I did not write the things that I have mentioned above, they are in the Bible, God’s Truth.

    • Sharon-

      That’s well said. Im a newly believing Messianic Hebrew. May MASHIACH YESHUA give Shalom and Chesed and Grace to you. Pray for us. May ADONAI YESHUA bless you and yours. Shalom shalom.

  2. I agree, and I don’t feel the NT is needed at all for God to open jewish people’s eyes. When Paul wrote “now faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God…” he wasn’t talking about the NT scriptures, but the OT scriptures illuminated and explained.
    The Ethiopian Eunuch had only the Isaiah scroll and back in the OT when they discovered the scrolls and read them out loud there was revival in the land. To me this can be something Netanyahu is doing to strengthen his nation culturally and religiously, seeing the benefit of such a study, but God may use it to open people’s eyes…especially when Messianic Scriptures are read, which to this day are avoided. Yet many Jewish claim that when they read such texts they sense these scriptures pointed to Jesus? So for me, I applaud it and will pray God uses it to open eyes, and when the next move on God’s prophetic clock occurs many in Israel will begin to see God word has an important message to them.


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