Miller Case Politicized?

I suppose it was bound to happen. 🙁

And I am quite certain neither Kenneth Miller nor Timothy Miller would be happy with how LifeSiteNews launches its red meat report: “The Obama administration…”

Yes, I know this is a federal case.

Yes, I know this is being prosecuted by attorneys appointed by the federal administration.

Yes, I know the current federal administration is the Obama administration.

So what?

Can it be argued that this administration should not be enforcing federal court orders? (As I understand the American system of government, the executive branch is constitutionally tasked with enforcing the law.)

Can it be argued that a solidly-conservative administration would not have indicted Ken Miller? (I suppose that could be argued.)

Well, anyway, here you go:

Obama administration makes new indictment in hunt for girl claimed by lesbian

The Obama administration has indicted a second individual suspected of helping a nine-year-old girl escape a custody claim by an unrelated lesbian, who is seeking to take custody of her from her natural mother.

According to the Associated Press, 46-year old Kenneth L. Miller of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, appeared in federal court on Tuesday to face charges of “international parental kidnapping” for helping Lisa Miller (42) and her daughter Isabella (9) to travel to Canada and ultimately Nicaragua.

The Virginia resident reportedly contacted associates in Nicaragua and Canada to request their support for Lisa Miller as she fled the United States in 2009, and instructed individuals to purchase plane tickets for Lisa and Isabella.

A Mennonite pastor, Timothy “Timo” Miller, had previously been indicted for his alleged role in helping Lisa Miller and her daughter to leave the country.

The pair had fled the United States to protect Isabella from a court-ordered custody transfer to Janet Jenkins, an unrelated lesbian with whom Miller was joined several years in a Vermont “civil union.”

Please. Let’s not use this case as another cudgel for pounding the Obama administration.

Or do we want political executives only selectively enforcing the law?

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