Looking Back on Today

I got to thinking about today. And just had to briefly break my blogging fast to sprinkle some brief recollections from my memory’s shaker.

Youngest son home for the day

Youngest daughter here for several days for a change

Good (I thought) men’s Sunday School class, despite the teacher (who was I) being the least prepared he’s been all month

My turn teaching that class for a month is done (and I was given the opportunity to teach another month — I love teaching, but no more for now)

A very good message, preached by my own Dad

Middle daughter and youngest daughter happily holding their newest niece

Happily, gleefully, gingerly, joyfully, satisfied-ly holding granddaughter

A wonderful meal time with (only 🙁 ) some of our children and one of my brothers-in-law

Watching and listening to my wife with our littlest grandchild

A really good nap

Sitting a bit with my folks before the evening service started

An enjoyable singing program by two of our children (with the local youth group, of course), directed by one of my best friends (who invited me out for breakfast yesterday morning)

An upbeat, energized visiting speaker with a God-ward devotional

Post service, a kind, gratuitous, “nice tenor” compliment by the brother sitting in front of me

A post-service, pleasant chat with the brother sitting behind me

Oldest son and a nephew-in-law conniving after the service to get our Honda running again

A nice text exchange with oldest daughter

Evening wrapped up with beautiful, soothing music played by our youngest daughter on a loaner keyboard

Youngest daughter gets to stay an extra day

I really needed all that. Rejoice with me!

(No, the day wasn’t all nice and peachy. Far from it, in fact.)

2 thoughts on “Looking Back on Today”

    • Thanks, David. That post illustrates how, in the midst of things looking dark and desperate, God still gives us good things to enjoy. I want to see and enjoy and be thankful for those good things even while I’m overwhelmed by the other things.


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