I Saw It Online This Morning

I have my first-of-the-day Web routine — inspirational, banking, Yahoo! News, Drudge, a blog or two, Facebook, a forum or two, email (>5 accounts), and so forth.

Some I do with careful focus (inspirational and banking, for instance).

Mostly, though, it’s about distractedly scanning SubjectLines and HeadLines.

Here’s a bit of what I saw:

I also learned that Google offers three gender options: female, male, other. 😯

Facebook, on the other hand, still hasn’t discovered the other gender. They’re more interested in knowing whether you’re interested in men and/or/nor women.

What we need is, not someone “on the leading edge of societal evolution,” but someone “on the leading edge of personal redemption and societal reformation.” (That’s just a bonus thought from me as I listened briefly to another Mark. Maybe that could be this blog’s new slogan…)

Good day? (Now I’m quotelessly quoting someone else famous.)

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Above all, love God!