I Missed Ella’s Funeral Today

Ella Boss died a week ago today:

Ella Boss death announcement

So a couple of evenings ago, our sexton showed up at our church cemetery:

Sexton plotting a grave again
Sexton Mast and helper, plotting again

Her funeral was today…and I couldn’t go because I was feeling quite abdominally abominable. However, I was able to snap a long-range, max-zoomed photo without being seen (I think):

Burial of Ella Boss
It was very rainy!

I remember Ella as a cheery lady. I’m sure she had low moments, but it was never my lot to observe them.

I remember Vernon and Ella. Together. So often seeing them doing whatever they were doing, together.

I remember seeing them at the grocery store.

I remember seeing them in their van, carting children to and from Summer Bible School.

I remember seeing them in their van, transporting school pupils on field trips.


Now they’re both gone from here. And I believe them to be there. In Heaven.

Though I don’t believe they’re “Together Forever” as a married couple, I’m guessing they’ve already met up.

What a glorious time Ella must be having. I wonder if she knows she’s been Earth-absent for a week now. Probably not.

Well, since I couldn’t attend her funeral, I looked through part of my digital photo collection and found several to post.

Vernon and Ella Boss
Luke and LaVay’s wedding reception — February 9, 2007
Vernon and Ella Boss
Elliott Prairie Annual Picnic — May 27, 2007

This didn’t turn out to be a very philosophical post. You could read some of my other death-related posts for that: Vernon, Richard, Erma, Howard and John.

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Above all, love God!