How to Eat a Bunnie

I didn’t think to preserve the occasion photographically.

But I digress. (Is that possible before even starting?)

Ruby and I had a few diced tomatoes and sliced white onions left over from lunch.

After my nap and before my coffee, I sliced into a bunnie. (Dissected him, in fact.) Then I smeared on (or was it in?) some butter and mayo.

Into that goo I carefully pressed some tomatoes and onions.

I took a bite of it.

No. Wait. Before biting the bunnie, I liberally salted and peppered its new innards.

Then I closed him back up.

After that, I bit him.


And chewed between bites.

Do you have any idea how delicious tomatoes and onions are in a split bunnie?!

Post Script: I didn’t have time to compose this culinary confession. But needing a break, I took it.

Post Mortem: No rabbits were hurt or even consumed in this grand culinary production.

Pre Script (a bit late): Ruby makes wonderful homemade rolls (aka buns). They’re not big. They’re bunnies.

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