50% Less for Me

image: overcrowded train

No room for one more?

The world’s population has doubled in my lifetime.

In the 1960s, the world was populated by around 3.5 billion people. This year, the population is expected to double that mark.

I had no (conscious) idea.

The way I calculate, my quota of this planet’s stuff is now 50% less than it was at the time of my birth.

And I need more now than I did then! 😯

Well, my source story ends with this question attributed to John Bongaarts, a demographer at New York’s Population Council:

“But we would all be better off with a smaller population.”

Oh. OK. Great. Maybe so.

Meanwhile, I need to work on being more grateful and less selfish.

Looks like I could add another book, but never mind.

2 thoughts on “50% Less for Me”

  1. Your recent email brought me to your blog, and I really appreciate your thoughts here. Thank you for resisting population alarmism while still recognizing that our resources are limited, and calling us all to contentment and unselfishness.


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