Facebook: Its Face in Your Book

If your life is an open book, Facebook has had its face deep into it.

And if you thought your life was a closed book, Facebook has had its face deep into it, you poor deluded soul.

Facebook privacy issues: Social network is watching you even when you’re logged out

Facebook has admitted that it has been watching the web pages its members visit – even when they have logged out.

In its latest privacy blunder, the social networking site was forced to confirm that it has been constantly tracking its 750million users, even when they are using other sites.

The social networking giant says the huge privacy breach was simply a mistake – that software automatically downloaded to users’ computers when they logged in to Facebook ‘inadvertently’ sent information to the company, whether or not they were logged in at the time.

Before this, it was OnStar.

What next?

My cellphone listening in, even when it’s not on a call? Or when it’s allegedly turned off?

And what about Google?

Or my answering machine?

Or my toaster? 😯

OK. I lost interest in fleshing out this post. Sorry. That’s just the way it is. I have a real life to live…and that means I have to earn a living. Or rather, try. 🙁

PS to Facebook: The “blunder” and “mistake” and “inadvertently” and “bug” concepts all require the willing suspension of disbelief.

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