“Someone Your Age”

I’m almost past the speed limit. 😯

So this shoe fits my foot:

Then I remembered Psalm 71, the psalm for folks “my age” and beyond. It reminds us of the value of a life well lived and of the worth of lessons learned: Lessons are not just for our benefit but also for us to pass along to the next generations. The psalmist wrote, “When I am old and grayheaded, O God, do not forsake me, until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come” v.18.

So, maybe being “someone my age” isn’t such a bad gig. It is the privilege of “veteran” Christ-followers to declare the strength and power of God to the younger generations.

Maybe you should read it all — who knows, our feet might be the same size.

Oh, and about that opening speed limit thing. I’m not in a 55 mph zone. Nope. Not that fast.

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Above all, love God!