She Sees Red

I tend to be wary of research these days. But this research meshes with what I believe to be true:

Calvin College professor’s research shows adults who remember being spanked are more well-adjusted

While timeouts and other disciplinary methods work for some parents and is encouraged by some child psychologists, a Calvin College psychology professor says her research shows corporal punishment forms more well-adjusted people later in life.

Marjorie Gunnoe says the study finds children who remember being spanked on the backside with an open hand do better in school, perform more volunteer work and are more optimistic than others who were not physically disciplined.

“This in no way should be thought of as a green light for spanking,” said Gunnoe, who has studied spanking for more than a decade.

Her research contradicts claims spanked children are more aggressive and have other detrimental consequences.

The practice should be considered when lawmakers across the county consider banning spanking, Gunnoe said, noting 24 countries have barred the punishment.

“This is a red light for people who want to legally limit how parents choose to discipline their children,” she said. “I don’t promote spanking, but there’s not the evidence to outlaw it.”

I saw the story Saturday night.

Among other thoughts, one wandered to the so-called Greatest Generation. I suspect the majority of them were spanked as children.

I thought of the so-called Founding Fathers. I suspect they were spankers as well as spankees.

I thought of the pioneers. Ditto.

Now we’re beginning to reap the fruits of a different approach to raising children. And it ain’t a pretty picture. Only God can reverse the trend and delay the consequences. I hope He does. Frankly, though, I doubt He will. Especially if His people pray and fast about it as much as I do.


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