Scott Brown and Abortion

I came across this on the 23rd:

Many “pro-life” leaders are applauding the victory of Scott Brown Republican to the United States Senate in a special election held this past week in Massachusetts. In all honesty, his victory is at best, a hollow one for the preborn. Let’s take an objective, non-partisan look at Scott Brown’s record and rhetoric on prenatal child-killing as recorded at the website “”:

Source: Scott Brown’s Election to US Senate: A Hollow Victory for the Preborn

Ahhh, politics!

Or do I mean, Uggghh, politics!


(If you’re one of those thrilled and relieved at his election in Massachusetts, do you know Senator-elect Brown’s stance on abortion?)

PS: This post isn’t a political statement. It’s a nudge at my fellow conservative Mennonites who are all thrilled at Mr. Brown’s election.)

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