Restaveks in Haiti

God bless those who help these children:

Unprecedented levels of poverty have driven almost 225,000 Haitian children into slavery. According to Eva DeHart of For Haiti With Love, parents desperate to feed and clothe their starving children are easy victims for child predators.

“Most of those parents are not deliberately selling those children into slavery,” she explained. “They’re selling them to people who promise that those children will eat regularly and have a better life.”

The enslaved children, known as “restaveks,” are taken from poor homes to the homes of families that are less poor. The family takes responsibility for raising the child in exchange for unpaid domestic service.

Source: Poverty forces kids into slavery

1 thought on “Restaveks in Haiti”

  1. That’s not slavery. I grew up in a home that was rich according to Haitian standards, but poor according to American standards and did “unpaid domestic service” for my “host family”. As long as they aren’t abusing the children in any way, this is a good opportunity for the children to be well fed and learn a good work ethic. Now if they aren’t given the opportunity to get some education thrown into the mix, I have a problem with it, but otherwise, it’s not slavery in my book.


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