Neat Little Things from God

Special Request

I made a special request of the Lord recently. Never would have done that in the past. It happened on a day that I was overcome with a sensation of intense beauty. To be overcome with beauty is to know a moment of transcendence, and to have that is to desire it again.

I asked the Lord if he would grant me to taste beauty every day, even just a fleeting glimpse of it. He knew what I meant: I was requesting not only to be presented with objective beauty, but also the subjective apparatus—to be given the capacity to be overwhelmed.

Then I went on my way and did not always remember my petition. But the Lord remembered, and daily he has been coming through with delight. One day it was….

Each time this happened, I suddenly remembered that I had asked the Lord, and so I recognized that these were no random cosmic acts but intimate winks from my Father, the giver of perfect gifts, with Whom there is no shadow of turning.

Again I say, Andrée Seu!

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Above all, love God!