My Memo to PayPal

I have (very gratefully) used your services for many years. I date back to your early days when you gave us a $5 referral fee for each new account we sent your way.

Anyway, I want you (and/or everybody else reading here, naturally) to get this message:

PayPal in the bedroom
(click to read something I wrote a long time ago)

Do couples really do PayPal in bed like that?

If so, how many have had their computers fall off the end?

And why not have them trade places so the gal appears less immodest?

But maybe your service wouldn’t sell so well then. 😯

(I assume you think your service sells better with an inward view such as you presently offer. If so, I guess I should change my post title to PayPal Uses Revealing Marketing Tactics.)

Oh, and I freely admit to doing “corrective surgery” on the above image.

And now, for a “commercial” for a book we sell on our site for Rod and Staff Publishers:

Keep yourself pure
Keep Yourself Pure

2 thoughts on “My Memo to PayPal”

  1. I’m reading your post in bed right now. And I think I may have used Paypal a time or too in bed.

    I don’t think I’ve ever had the computer fall off. You do need to be careful though.

    If I remember right, you were one of my $5 referrals back in the day!

    • With your computer perched on the edge of the bed like that?

      And, yes, Mr. T, you are the one that pointed me to PayPal…and got $5 out of the deal. I’ve been grateful many times over the years for your good advice. So…Thanks again, TT!


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