Mennonite Baptist?

That’s what I wondered when Google Alerts pointed me to this story this morning:

The Pollard Agency, a Fruithurst, Ala.-based contract security company, unlawfully discriminated against an employee because of her religion, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC charged in a lawsuit it filed on March 8, 2010.

According to the EEOC’s suit, the Pollard Agency violated federal law by firing Marian Lawson from a client location in Monticello, Ga., rather than accommodating her beliefs as a Mennonite Baptist that she cover her hair with a scarf.

Do they mean Mennonite Anabaptist? or Anabaptist Mennonite? or German Baptist?

Maybe Marian is a Mennonite Baptist.

Is there such a thing?

Anyway, towards the end of the story, this:

“Title VII protects employees from having to make the difficult choice between their religious beliefs and their employment,” said Robert Dawkins, regional attorney for the EEOC’s Atlanta District Office.

Maybe we American Christians are being spared too many difficult choices regarding our beliefs.


What do you think?

Oh, and here’s the source for the above story: Pollard Agency Sued By EEOC For Religious Discrimination

1 thought on “Mennonite Baptist?”

  1. Could Marian be a seeker who isn’t quite sure what to call herself? We were quickly becoming Anabaptist in belief and practice as we studied the Scriptures. We began to see a similarity between ourselves and the historic Anabaptists as we studied church history; years before we became Mennonites. Sometimes during that period we called ourselves Baptists, Anabaptists, or historic Baptists. As we sought Him, the Lord made His way clearer, and brought us to this way.
    May the Lord guide Marian into His truth, is our prayer.


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