Let’s Boggle!

That’s an l in the title; not an i.

Time for another from-real-life round Boggle. As usual, this is one played in real life by three Roths an evening back in April:

Our seventh game of Boggle
Playing this game will may keep your mind young(er)!

Here’s my usual reminder of how we play the game here at Ain’t Complicated:

  1. Minimum word length: four letters
  2. No plurals created by adding s
  3. Maximum words per player per day: five
  4. No time limit
  5. Only what you can see

Item 5 means do not use online sources to generate words. This rule applies only for the first two days of the game.

Remember, please: Five words per player per day.

(And tell me: Why is this post in the Health category?)

4 thoughts on “Let’s Boggle!”

  1. It has been years since I have done this.

    bipolar <— Is this the health reason?
    laos (Do proper nouns count?)

  2. Mark, I haven’t been here in a while, and evidently neither has Pauline. So that explains why only two posts have been added to this round. And I don’t need an on line word generator. That is too easy.



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