Israel: Appeasement or Surrender?


Under this headline, Israel concedes Jerusalem before negotiations even begin, a story that begins thus:

Ahead of the start of today’s Mideast summit in Washington, the Israeli government publicly conceded sections of Jerusalem will become part of a Palestinian state while holy sites would be governed by a “special regime.”

Speaking in an interview with Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, Defense Minister Ehud Barak outlined a deal with the Palestinians: “West Jerusalem and 12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours. The Arab neighborhoods in which close to a quarter million Palestinians live will be theirs.

“There will be a special regime in place along with agreed upon arrangements in the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the City of David,” added Barak.

Barak told the newspaper what is needed “is courage to make historic, painful decisions. I’m not saying that there is certainty for success, but there is a chance. This chance must be exploited to the fullest.”

Courage? Courage?! Other words fit far better.

Furthermore, another spit-in-the-wind observation: Only Jews need make “historic, painful decisions.”

To think anything good will come of this requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

These have not been good years for Israel.

And they will get worse.

Far worse.

The Bible tells me so.

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