ICYH2: February 19

Super-cold oxygen-less water? 😯

Nope. In Case You Hadn’t Heard.

What is Killing American Babies?

Thanks to very ambitious pharmaceutical companies, with the help of pediatricians, the American government and schools across the country, the USA has produced the most highly vaccinated infants in the world. We give American babies up to three times the vaccines as other first-world countries. While we have earned a “blue ribbon” for our vaccine rates, we are close to earning the “booby prize” in another category that should devastate every parent in the country. Since implementation of the CDC mass vaccine program we have gone from about 2-3 to about 41-42 on the international infant mortality list. Yes, this means that a high rate of American infants never live to see toddler hood.

Must I Love My Muslim Neighbor?

An unemployed truck driver from East Nashville was stunned to see hateful graffiti smeared across the walls of a local house of worship.

“When I saw it, I just broke down crying,” said the truck driver, who gave his name as “Tim.” He bought paint, brushes, and other supplies which he donated to congregants as they, along with 75 Christian and Jewish volunteers, worked to repair the damage done to the religious sanctuary – the Nashville Al-Farooq Mosque.

Apparently riled by a local news story that darkly insinuated terrible things about Tennessee’s Muslim population, someone had defaced the building and left a note calling for the extermination of all Muslims.

Bill would ban federal currency in SC

South Carolina will no longer recognize U.S. currency as legal tender, if State Rep. Mike Pitts has his way.

Pitts, a fourth-term Republican from Laurens, introduced legislation earlier this month that would ban what he calls “the unconstitutional substitution of Federal Reserve Notes for silver and gold coin” in South Carolina.

If the bill were to become law, South Carolina would no longer accept or use anything other than silver and gold coins as a form of payment for any debt, meaning paper money would be out in the Palmetto State.

Pitts said the intent of the bill is to give South Carolina the ability to “function through gold and silver coinage” and give the state a “base of currency” in the event of a complete implosion of the U.S. economic system.

Tibet’s Dali Lama must be pretty tough. See the snow pile there?!

Dali Lama leaves the White House

And the bags of garbage?! Somebody needs to clean up before the guests leave. Or have them use another door. Actually, guests or no guests, that garbage piled up there looks very tacky. No wonder the “A” guy looks rather disgusted. (Maybe he should have given the bag a hard shove with his foot — that would have made for good TV, no?)

Well, I’d best take care of my own garbage and my own guests.

Oh, wait, don’t leave yet. After seeing the above photo, I thought of Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose — he was nice to his guests. 🙂

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Above all, love God!