How Perceptive Are You?

This post of mine is not a political statement of any sort. (See that period there?)

So, please, no political blah-blah-blah in the comments.


Now I repeat the question to go with the above news clip: How perceptive are you?

1 thought on “How Perceptive Are You?”

  1. Two observations:
    1. The written commentary said the car “ran over” the boy. Not quite true.
    2. If my son were out in the street throwing rocks at cars, his punishment from me would make this guy’s tumble over the car look mild.
    But of course the whole story isn’t told here. Why is the driver so desperate to get where he needs to go that he risks driving through this area? Why are the boys throwing rocks instead of studying or washing dishes or playing soccer? Who taught them that this behavior is ok? Did their moms try to teach them decency and kindness but the culture prevailed?


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