Green Tea Creativity


Do you know how to write creatively?

Here are some examples of non-dull writing.

Drink a few cups of green tea and you could avoid dentists drills and bills.

Fortunately, a few cups of green tea may bring him back so he can help you avoid diabetes — or at least fend off its complications.

Drinking green tea isn’t like putting a bodyguard between you and skin cancer — it’s like having a whole team of them.

Those who drank at least two cups of green tea every day had the lowest risk of losing their memory and thinking ability.

Green tea turned 20 percent of drug-resistant superbugs into helpless wimps…. The same bacteria that had virtually ignored antibiotics before were easily wiped out by a combination of antibiotics and green tea.

A compound found in soothing green tea could be the key to reducing inflammation, joint damage, and more.

Don’t believe everything you read. A 2006 study found that drinking green tea makes no difference in your risk of prostate cancer — yet, a newer study disagrees. This study suggested that green tea may not prevent all prostate cancers, but it may cut your odds of advanced or life-threatening cancer by half.

Make lemon your main squeeze when you drink tea and you may get four times as many health-building compounds from your tea.

The Kitchen Table Book

The Kitchen Table Book tells me so.

I’ve been drinking green tea for quite a while (it seems like). But not enough. Time to ramp it up, folks! And add lemon juice as well. This is exciting stuff!

Please note: No cynics or mockers were hurt in the production of this post. I reject responsibility for what happens to them if they read it.

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