God has a whole universe to run, and just imagine the trillions of details He has to dovetail in order to make things turn out according to His plan. It would be lunacy for me to begrudge an interrupted slumber when I have no idea of the carefully positioned dominoes involved here. And besides all the cosmic reasons why I was awakened early—which started my day earlier, which got me on the road earlier, which caused me to meet an entirely difference set of people and circumstances all day long and into infinity—there are the personal reasons God means just for me.
It occurs to me that God may simply have allowed the perplexingly untimely phone call to test my heart, to see whether I will trust Him when I am baffled “The LORD your God is testing you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul”— Deuteronomy 13:3. Sometimes He gives us these opportunities to exercise a muscular faith in the face of a sheer unknown—when there is no explanation but that God is God. And I believe He likes to hear us say the words—out loud and before the angels—”Lord, no matter what happens, I will trust in You.”
Those are the closing paragraphs of Andrée Seu’s Incident at Motel 6 over at WorldMagBlog.
It’s short. And it blessed me.
It might do that for you as well.