From Haitians, With Love


The Dalles couple describes how they survived Haiti quake

They wandered the ruined city for 10 hours before ending up at the U.S. embassy where their wounds were dressed. Joel received about 20 stitches to his head.

The couple were changing clothes when the earth started shaking so they were only wearing underwear.

Joel and Rachel wandered through a horrifying scene. They say the bloody streets were dark with people dying all around them. In the midst of it all, they said the battered Haitian people offered them food, water and even the clothes off their backs.

“Haitians just kept running up to us saying here have my shirt, have my sweatshirt, you’re cold,” said Colbourne.

They said the love they felt from the battered Haitian people was humbling.

HT: EGerig (who just a few minutes ago also pointed me to the Livesay Haiti blog)

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