Census Senses

This afternoon, I finally got the US 2010 Census completed. Well, mostly so, anyway.

Since my answers are quite understandable, they don’t need to call.

If I provide my birthdate, why do I need to also provide my age on April 1, 2010? 🙄

White is not a race. Neither are some of the other race cards they play.

I was tempted — sorely so — to put Human in the “Some other race” section.

About sometimes living or staying somewhere else, what’s with that? I answered in the negative, but also considered marking “For another reason” because sometimes I go visiting for overnight or overweek. But then I thought someone might not understand that and want to give me a call. I’m not a phone person.

In an unrelated development, today we got our new Spy Meters. 😯 😉 😆

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