Bipolar Disorder


What do you know about it?

What recommendations do you have?

What warnings and cautions?

If you have read this book, what can you tell me about it?

The Anti-Depressant Fact Book: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, and Luvox

I ask for good reason, OK?

2 thoughts on “Bipolar Disorder”

  1. 1. I am not a mental health professional, so can’t really tell you what I know, but I can tell you what I understand about bipolar disorder, from reading ,from talking to health care professionals, and family members of bipolar individuals. I understand that it is a real disease, caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals, among other factors. It does cause what Christians would call, sinful behavior. It is devastating to those that are afflicted by it, and their families. The bipolar people I have known tend to be very creative and highly intelligent people.

    2. I recommend a lot of prayer, sharing with a support group if you have a bipolar family member, praying specifically for God to shed His light and love on you so that you may genuinely love the one afflicted. A bipolar person should not be left on their own. They need to have someone with them who understands and will allow them to talk.

    3. Medicine may sometimes be needed to balance out the brain chemicals, but getting off them as soon as possible should be a goal.

    4. I would love to get that book and read it. Do you sell it? I’ve written some about antidepressants myself and would like to read what others, especially non medical establishment people would say about the subject.

  2. So that’s what’s the matter with you! You are bipolar? I should have known!

    Okay, done with the teasing. Bipolar people can be very volitile. They can go without sleep for days and tend to get a lot accomplished in that time. Then they crash and burn and you do not want to be in their path when that happens. They can get very mean and cruel. And that’s about all I know. My experince with it is limited to a friend who was married to a bipolar man. The marriage has since ended in divorce.


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