— Among the Ancient

This morning I read an email that begins:

In this season of miracles, consider this: JWR is among the oldest surviving non-corporate sites on the web, having just had its 13th birthday — its “bar mitzvah”, if you will.

A miracle? Well, maybe not in the biblical sense. But certainly one by modern standards. Consider how many other sites have come and gone. Ones that had millions invested in them have disappeared into the ether.

Yeah, in public Web time, that’s a long life span.

So is 15 years and almost 5 months — how long Anabaptists has been on the Web…almost exclusively on the founder’s nickel (which even JWR can’t say). 😆

Speaking of nickels, a while later I read another email that winds down this way:

So these greatly-appreciated gifts, $1280 in all, bring our total to $5545.61 for 2010. That’s just $11,574.39 short of our goal for the year. Gulp. Of course, if there were just 11 other churches like the one on the East Coast — it’s doable. Lacking that, we would need about 116 extremely visionary types to each kick in $100. Or any combination of the two.

And if those 116 extremely visionary types are extremely so, they can do more kicking here. 😯

Or maybe I mean 🙄 — or even :oops:.

See ya.

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