Advice Needed: Cable Phone Service


Where we’re moving to allows us to finally get broadband access.

I can go with Qwest DSL and phone service.

Or I can go with cable for both internet and phone service.

WavePhone is delivered through your existing telephone wiring and the fiber-optic network already in your neighborhood. You can even keep using your regular home phone handsets. If you want to make a call, simply pick up the receiver and dial.

WavePhone uses digitally delivered packet cable technology to deliver carrier-grade IP telephony over a private network. That ensures a higher quality of service QoS with consistent and significantly better audio because WavePhone doesn’t suffer performance issues that might result from dropped packets. For you, that means crystal clear sound, and no annoying echoes or sound delays.

Source: Wave Broadband

I’m so old-fashioned, the idea of not using a phone company for phone service seems mighty strange and suspect.

So…what are the upsides and the downsides to using cable phone service?


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