Wanted: Boost Mobile Reviews


Here’s this enticing bit of news from Clark Howard:

Boost Mobile offers new unlimited calling/texting/web plan

Most of the Big 4 carriers have plans that hover near $100/month. But on Thursday, Jan. 22, Boost Mobile will roll out a nationwide unlimited calling/texting/web plan with no contracts for just $50/month.

There are, however, some downsides. The cell phones available through Boost are antiquated, according to Clark. And they’re not subsidized, so be sure to look on eBay or Craigslist for a deal on a used one. In addition, Boost operates on the Nextel network, which doesn’t always offer the best call quality.

And here’s some additional plan info from the Boost Mobile site:

  • Unlimited talk
  • Unlimited text including multi-media messaging
  • Unlimited web
  • Unlimited walkie-talkie
  • Voicemail, long distance and nationwide network included
  • No hidden fees, no contracts and no credit checks
  • No roaming charges
  • Low rates for international calls and international walkie-talkie

I’m a Verizon user at the end of my (third?) two-year contract.

Do you have experience with Boost Mobile?

1 thought on “Wanted: Boost Mobile Reviews”

  1. This rocks….I just bought the i355 and I am totally happy. The reeption is excllent as well as the texts. It doesn’t have a camera. It does have GPS, unlimited nationwide voice and text, walkie talkie, WEB….etc. The service has been great. SO far I am so happy.


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