Walking Sticks

Andrew and I each had our own this morning when we went on a hike to-through-around our back forty.

We saw cows (dead and alive), trees (dead and alive), and creeks (dead and alive). I shot some of them.

But first, a photo I took yesterday morning, looking in the direction we headed for our walk this morning:

cows coming home at daybreak
cows coming home at daybreak

And here’s the trail they were on yesterday morning:

cow trail, looking east
cow trail, looking east — toward the Molalla (Oregon) hills
same trail, looking west
same cow path, looking west
across the east pastures toward the Molalla hills
across the east pastures toward the Molalla hills
resting: unneeded cow bones
resting: unneeded cow bones
looking north along dead tree
looking north along dead tree
mill pond no longer used as
mill pond no longer used as
me standing in our dry creek bed
me standing in our dry creek bed
looking down; seeing up
looking down; seeing up
behold our creek, inbound from the east
behold our creek, inbound from the east
andrew, also in the dry creek bed
andrew, also in the dry creek bed

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