Vegetable Inspection

One of the main points of this inspection is to test your ability to figure out the identity of the plant which produced each of the following (in)edible items:







Now that you have some fresh experience inspecting vegetables, you may graduate to judging fruits.





Then, through some magical foul-up in PaintShopPro, I ended up with some images that are one-fourth as wide as I told the program to make them. 🙁

mangoes     pomegranate
melons mandarins     tomatoes
limes     butternuts
cherub tomatoes

And, among those under-sized photos, some items whose usefulness to humans has been reduced to Domesticated Fowl Egg Production:

banana chicken feed     grape chicken feed

So, you’ve inspected fruit and judged vegetables.

In so judging and inspecting, you’ve determined the plant from which each came.

And whether any of them would be suitable for your consumption.

In conclusion, a little bit of what God has to say on the subject (as recorded in Matthew 7:16 and Matthew 7:20):

Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Do men gather grapes of thorns,
or figs of thistles?

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

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Above all, love God!