Taking a Break

So on Monday we went over to Madras (Oregon, not India) to see our Mullet children. Well, Tuesday morning I took a break from computer work to go outside and do some brisk walking.

Eventually I took a break from my walking and took a picture of son-in-law Luke’s neat old-fashioned insulation:

The insulated Mullet house

Brilliant, I’m telling you. And very “cool” (though it most definitely helps keep the heat in the house and the cold wind out).

Then I turned 90 degrees to the left (no, I have no idea which way I was facing) and took a picture of this:

Looking away from the Mullet house

And what do I behold across the road? Another place to walk!

Two, in fact. As I walked away from their house, I opted to walk in the concrete irrigation ditch. Then I turned 180 degrees (right or left, I don’t recall) and shot Luke and LaVay’s place:

Standing in irrigation ditch, looking toward Luke Mullet Farming headquarters

Yup, that’s a semi load of hay (or maybe it’s straw) you see there. Need to buy some? Then contact Luke Mullet Farming. (I’m sure LaVay will leave a comment and then you’ll have their email address.)

On my way back, I opted to walk on the dirt road. (Gotta stay out of life’s ditches, you know.)

Nice semi; nice snow-semi-covered mountains (the Cascades? the Stinuslaws? the Tecumsehs? LaVay? Help!):

Closer to Luke and LaVay's house

Speaking of the semi, here’s Lukes’ house from another perspective (and please pardon the intrusive photographer):

There it is, in the mirror!

Then it was time to get back to work.

As it is now.

1 thought on “Taking a Break”

  1. Need clean Wheat Straw? $1/bale for compost straw (tops & bottoms) and $4/bale for nice bales.
    Contact Luke @ lnlmullet@gmail.com.
    Dad those were the Cascades actually. 🙂 The Ochocos were behind you.
    And BTW, you were facing east in the second picture. THOSE were the Ochocos under the clouds. 🙂


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