Swine Flu Update

Greetings from the port city of Guaymas in northwest Mexico’s Sonora state.

I’m part of a mission board delegation that’s been in the area for a few days.

Two of us are ailing somewhat, though almost certainly not from swine flu.

So far, this state has no reported cases of swine flu.

That’s good news.

However, I read online that we may have a tighter inspection crossing the border back into the States tomorrow. 😯

I’m posting this, not to provide you with further news on the epidemic, but to personalize it a bit.

And to ask for your prayers.

Please pray for our health, which is ragged for two of us.

And pray for a timely crossing.


1 thought on “Swine Flu Update”

  1. Sorry to hear this. We’ll be praying and hope to be updated on your and your collegues’s condition.


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