Quiz: Identify It

Here — from among the scores I took on my recent trip to Mexico — are six photos. (No, clicking on these will not take you to larger versions. Sorry.)

Beneath each photo is the identity question that goes with it.

What jet aircraft is this?
1. What kind of airplane is that?
A. Bonus question: Who’s boarding it?

What mountain is this?
2. What mountain is that?

What fruit is this?
3. That fruit — what is it?

What fer fowl is this?
4. Can you find and identify the bird?

What's this tree called?
5. What’s this tree called?

What food is on the table before me?
6. What food is on the table?

3 thoughts on “Quiz: Identify It”

  1. A is P&R&B G. and P.E.T….. #4 is pry a hummer since I can’t see it. 🙂 I dunno what the seed pod tree is though, just that those things rattle. 🙂 And I KNOW you aren’t eating menudo. How’s them for answers? 🙂

    • You got A right. 😉

      I’ll email you the answer to #4 that I’m planning to post here later.

      Thank you for taking part in this exciting, nail-drumming quiz. 🙄

  2. I can only guess that #2 is Mt. Hood. I would say that #3 is a sidra (o es cidra?) since that is what I called it when you took that picture. I’ll let the others look for the bird…that is too good! I know already because I saw it there the other day, therefore I won’t let the cat out of the bag. On #6, Perla says that yellow thing is the peeling of a tamal. I said it was a banana peeling. Whatever the case, neither of us has a clue as to what is in the bowl.


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