Pravda Perspective


Well, an editorial columnist’s anyway:

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

Pravda?! 😯

Would they know what they’re talking about?

Next what?

Whatever it may be, I am presently thankful for all the freedom and liberty and opportunity and plenty I’ve enjoyed almost my entire life.

1 thought on “Pravda Perspective”

  1. While it may seem an extreme response by the writer of the editorial to refer to Pravada in equivalence to the US, it isn’t really.
    Since 2001, citizen freedoms have been more curtailed than during the Civil War. There are laws on the books that have not yet been placed into action that will make the editorialist’s comparison more understandable.
    The US has slowly been being taken over by Socialist laws, thinking and practice throughout the 20th century. It’s just that the apparent freedom we’ve all enjoyed is starkly better than what the USSR offered, so much so that American citizens have been lulled to sleep by the progress of Communism in the land.
    A careful examination of the ideology of even “conservative” US leaders during the 20th century, of the laws that have been passed, of more that are being enforced, of the continual speech of current leadership regarding the Global Community, etc. reveals a Communism with a new flavor: that of “Tolerance” with a New Age slant.
    Yes, Mark, we still enjoy — and praise God for — many freedoms. But they are quickly being replaced by a New World Order. (Something George Bush, Sr. declared in his Presidency that we had entered!)
    Even so, come Lord Jesus! This reminds us that we are citizens of heaven, not of this earth. This world is not our home, and we should be busy as Christ’s Ambassadors, reconciling the world to Christ. The news of the decline of the US should not be fearful chatter for our Sunday afternoon dinners; but impetus to get the Gospel out; make disciples; and prepare our children to stand strong against the growing Intolerance against Christ.


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