Poor Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson died less than three hours ago.

Around 3:00 pm (Pacific) I first saw the breaking report as red headlines at the Drudge Report. Not wanting to bother with a post here, I quickly Tweeted and WordlMagBlogCommented the story.

For years I’ve thought of Michael Jackson as weird, sick, and so forth. Perhaps he was. The photos I’ve seen over the years certainly caused and nourished my impressions. News stories more recently did nothing to starve those impressions.

Whatever he was and whatever his influences for evil, Michael Jackson had a soul.

And that soul has now reached its eternal destiny.

The poor man.

All his wealth, fame, stature, and influence are now worthless to him.

I wonder when the last time was that anyone presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ to him.

I wonder when the last time was that he purposefully rejected that Gospel.

Jesus died for Michael Jackson.

Jesus wanted Michael Jackson in heaven.

I believe the poor man missed that destiny.

Now his family and friends and fans grieve his passing and their loss.

May God’s comfort somehow reach them.

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Above all, love God!