Pakistan: Intense Persecution

So a bunch of pastors there have designated this coming Sunday as a day of prayer for Pakistan:

Pakistan allowed the Taliban to impose sharia law Islamic law in the region, and Pakistani Christians are asking the world to pray for their nation.

Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs explains. “We know of more than 300 pastors in Pakistan who have joined together to mark Sunday July 26 as a day of prayer for their country–a day of prayer particularly for the church there, which is facing intense persecution.”

Nettleton says even though Christians are facing incredible amounts of persecution, the church is growing. “Depending on the area of the country where you are, it can grow openly above ground. In other areas, particularly the areas that have recently gotten under the control of the Taliban, the church is forced to grow in sort of a quiet way.”

While many Christians left the Taliban-held areas for fear of their safety, there is still a Christian witness, says Nettleton. “There are still some solid believers who are committed to reaching Muslims for Christ. They have said, ‘There are still some Muslims here who still need to hear the Gospel, who need to hear about Jesus’ love, so we’re going stay and we’re going to keep ministering.'”

Nettleton says they don’t do this lightly. “They face incredible risk, literally risking their lives to be in that area, to be a follower of Jesus Christ in a place that’s controlled by the Taliban. The Taliban believe that any Muslim who follows Jesus is an infidel and should be killed.”

Source: Mission Network News

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