We were out there on August 27 to mark the end of summer vacation…and to celebrate my brother-in-law’s 53rd birthday the previous day.
So I took some Oregon Coast photos. But first some I took some at our picnic at the park on Hwy 18 in the Van Duzer Corridor.

There we are — The Roths and Uncle Wesley Yoder

What a neat little creek at the Van Duzer park on Hwy 18!
a walking stick that landed on our water jug
launching a dory off the beach at Pacific City
Haystack Rock in the foggy background
Roth dune climbers
Michayla must be photographing the The Three Elderly Strollers below!
Andrew & Michayla & Dora on the dune
Wesley Yoder, his sister Ruby, and her husband Mark Roth
strolling the beach at Pacific City
Hay Stack Rock off Cape Kiwanda at Pacific City
Wes and Ruby there too
Haystack Rock — the elder trio — Cape Kiwanda
a sandy birthday greeting
photo texted to our grandson Trey Mullet
Foggy beach — D River — Lincoln City — Oregon Coast
Andy and Uncle Wes tossing the football
See it?
I used a couple of these photos as computer wallpaper material here and here.
Following the Timo Miller case with Great interest!
Love your pictures from Pacific City Oregon. I spent a lot of time there, this where my parents retired from the ministry. The Ezra Beachy Bridge in Pacific City was named after my brother Ezra.