No Virgins


That’s my headline for this story:

An American captain being held by Somali pirates was freed unharmed Sunday in an operation carried out by U.S. Navy Seals, U.S. military officials said. Three of the pirates were killed and the fourth was captured.


U.S. military snipers opened fire on the pirates within seconds after an on-scene commander determined that Phillips’ life was in “imminent danger” because one of the pirates was aiming an AK-47 at the captain’s back.

I’m glad the captain is safe.

It is tragic, though, that three other humans had to die. And no matter what Islam might have told them, they had no harems of 72 virgins each awaiting them.

The devil surely is glad for their deaths.

And the Savior — whose resurrection we remember today — well, what do you suppose His response is?

(Oh, and I had this thought cross my mind earlier this afternoon: Were any of the American snipers Christians?)

1 thought on “No Virgins”

  1. Thanks for expressing this; I was wondering if any other Christians feel the same way. We killed other human beings that live in a poverty stricken country. poverty is the real problem here.


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