Networking Issue Resolved

For two years (if not more), I’ve been unable to get my two Windows XP machines to “talk” to each other on my simple little network using a crossover cable.

My client machine could access files off the host machine, but not the other way around.

This evening I finally found the answer quite by accident, so to speak.

I was nosing around in Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Computer Management.

I got to Services and Applications –> Services –> Server and upon right-clicking it and selecting Properties, I ended up solving the problem.

Crossover cable xp network server properies under computer management in administrative tools

It was paused on my client machine, thus making it impossible for the host machine to access it. I clicked Resume and it did the trick!

Praise the Lord!

Anyway, click the above image for a larger image with more helpful details.

So there you are: I connect two computers together (I know that’s redundant, OK?) using an ethernet crossover cable. I don’t need a router. I don’t need the Internet. Just a crossover cable.

That may resolve your home networking problems, like it did mine!

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